Meldungen vom 05.12.2005

  • SQL-Server 2005 versus Business Objects XI

    Business Intelligence: Was leistet der "SQL Server 2005" im Vergleich zu "Business Objects XI"? …mehr

  • Software simuliert PC-Angriffe

    Wie sicher ist mein PC? Diese Frage beschäftigt viele Anwender, eine Antwort erhalten sie nur in den seltensten Fällen. Mit "PC Security Test" des französischen Anbieters AxBx gibt es zumindest für Besitzer eines Windows-Rechners eine kostenlose Möglichkeit, der Lösung näher zu kommen. Das Tool simuliert Angriffe auf den Rechner und zeigt anschließend an, welche Schwachstellen es gefunden hat. …mehr

  • Universelle Docking-Station

    Notebooks sind praktisch. Für unterwegs. Am Arbeitsplatz möchte man doch lieber eine große Tastatur. Und einen Drucker. Und einen Netzwerkanschluss. Docking-Stations gestatten es bekanntlich, ohne viel Strippenziehen einen Nomadenrechner in einen sesshaften Arbeitsplatz-PC zu verwandeln. …mehr

  • RSA schnappt sich Cyota

    RSA Security will die auf Finanzdienstleister spezialisierte Sicherheitsfirma Cyota für insgesamt 145 Millionen Dollar übernehmen. …mehr

  • Adobe schnürt neue Pakete

    Nach der am Samstag erfolgten Übernahme von Macromedia hat Adobe Systems neue Softwarepakete für professionelle Kreative zusammengestellt. …mehr

  • Peking-Olympiade auf Open-Source-Plattform?

    Der vom IOC bestätigte Partner Atos Origin favorisiert eine lizenzkostensparende Lösung, die allerdings am mangelnden Support scheitern könnte. …mehr

  • T-Systems ist bei Galileo mit von der Partie

    Das europäische Satelliten-Projekt Galileo hat eine wichtige Hürde genommen. …mehr

  • Blockspiel aus dem Ostblock: 20 Jahre "Tetris"

    Die einfachsten Spielideen sind in der Regel die genialsten. Das gilt für "Mensch ärgere Dich nicht" ebenso wie für Poker und sogar Schach. Und für Tetris. …mehr

  • DII übernimmt Mehrheit an c.a.r.u.s. IT

    Die c.a.r.u.s. IT AG, Norderstedt, ist seit dem 25. November mehrheitlich im Besitz der Beteiligungsgesellschaft Deutsche Industrie Invest (DII) AG. …mehr

  • Com Hem wechselt den Besitzer

    Der schwedische TK-Dienstleister fällt für einen nicht genannten Betrag an zwei US-Investment-Gesellschaften. …mehr

  • Erste deutsche VMware User Group gegründet

    Dennis Zimmer hat die erste VMware User Group im deutschsprachigen Raum gegründet. Das erste Treffen findet am 19. Januar in Stuttgart statt. …mehr

  • AOL verliert seinen Instant-Messaging-Chef

    Chamath Palihapitiya, Leiter der AIM-Sparte, wechselt nach vollbrachter Überarbeitung der Dienste in die Venture-Capital-Branche. …mehr

  • Kabelnetzbetreiber NTL bietet für Virgins Mobilfunksparte

    Durch den Zusammenschluss soll der erste Komplettanbieter für Mobilfunk, Festnetztelefonie, Internet und TV in Großbritannen entstehen. …mehr

  • Verizon will Telefonbuch-Sparte abstoßen

    Mit den auf rund 17 Milliarden Dollar geschätzten Verkaufserlösen könnte der TK-Riese seine Schulden reduzieren und Investitionen in sein Kerngeschäft finanzieren. …mehr

  • Cognos warnt vor schwächeren Zahlen

    Ein schwacher Start mit neuen Produkten verhagelt dem kanadischen Anbieter von Business-Intelligence-Software das Ergebnis im dritten Geschäftsquartal. …mehr

  • Dokumentarfilmer begleitet Softwareprojekt

    Der Regisseur Lerone Wilson hat die Entwickler des New Yorker Softwareanbieters Fog Creek Software mit der Kamera begleitet und zeigt in seinem Film den Entstehungsprozess einer Software von den ersten Anfängen des Produkts bis zu dessen Auslieferung. …mehr

  • IBM unterstützt Open Document mit Workplace-Software

    Mit seiner Office-Software "Workplace Managed Client" unterstützt IBM künftig das offene Dateiformat Open Document. …mehr

  • Welcher Browser wird in Ihrer Firma Standard?

    Liebe Leser, wie an jedem Monat stellen wir Ihnen heute wieder unsere neue "Frage der Woche". …mehr

  • Explorer-Fehler gefährdet Nutzer von Google Desktop

    Angreifer können Daten auf lokaler Festplatte lesen. …mehr

  • Manager sieht Kostenvorteile für Nokia

    Nokias Finanzchef nennt Kostenvorteile von 20 Prozent für sein Unternehmen. …mehr

  • Sober-Virus ist im November am weitesten verbreitet

    Auf der Liste der Top-Ten Viren- und Spyware des Lösungsanbieters Panda Software steht seit fünf Monaten Sbdot.ftp ganz oben. Im November schoß Sober AH den Vogel ab. …mehr

  • Nokia überrascht in den USA mit neuem Design

    Vergangene Woche stellte Nokia offiziell das 6282 für den US-amerikanischen Markt vor, das über eine praktische Slider-Automatik verfügt. Heute sind Informationen über ein weiteres Handy von Nokia mit der Bezeichnung 6305i im Internet aufgetaucht, das voraussichtlich nächstes Jahr beim Netzbetreiber Verizon Wireless in den USA erscheinen wird... …mehr

  • "Trendfarbe Schwarz" beim Kaffeeröster

    Neues Tchibo-Notebook soll ein kleiner Alleskönner sein. …mehr

  • ICANN verschiebt Entscheidung über Porno-Domain .xxx

    Die ICANN hat in der letzten Woche ihre Entscheidung über die geplante Porno-Domain .xxx verschoben - offenbar auf Druck der EU. …mehr

  • Halbleitermarkt erneut im Aufwind

    Nach Angaben der Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) wuchs der weltweite Halbleitermarkt im Oktober gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat um 6,8 Prozent. …mehr

  • Jedox stellt Enterprise-Lösung für SOA vor

    Der Anbieter Jedox GmbH hat eine Enterprise-Lösung im Umfeld von Microsoft Excel vorgestellt. Sie soll nach Firmenangaben neue Perspektiven für service-orientierte Architekturen (SOA) eröffnen. …mehr

  • Gartner rechnet mit 300 Millionen verkauften Foto-Handys

    Das Beratungsunternehmens Gartner geht davon aus, dass 2005 weltweit knapp 300 Millionen Foto-Handys verkauft werden. …mehr

  • Microsoft will Patentstreit mit Eolas die Grundlage entziehen

    Microsoft plant, seinen Browser Internet Explorer derart zu modifizieren, dass Eolas Technologies Inc. nicht mehr über Patentrechtsverletzungen klagen kann. …mehr

  • Fehler in RealNetworks Media Player

    Zwei neu entdeckte Lücken in RealNetworks Player-Software ermöglichen es Angreifern, das Kommando über Windows-Rechner zu übernehmen. …mehr

  • DRAM-Speicher so billig wie nie

    Viel hilft viel gilt nicht zuletzt für Arbeitsspeicher im PC - dieser ist derzeit so günstig wie nie, also eine gute Gelegenheit zum Aufrüsten. …mehr

  • Liberty Alliance veröffentlicht People Service

    ID-WSF 2.0 bietet offenes Framework zur Verwaltung von Social Applications. …mehr

  • Swisscom bricht Übernahmegespräche mit Eircom ab

    Der Schweizer Telekomkonzern Swisscom hat die Übernahmegespräche mit seinem irischen Wettbewerber Eircom abgebrochen. …mehr

  • Aldi steigt bei Mobilfunk-Gesprächen mit Billigtarif ein

    Die Discount-Kette Aldi wird in der kommenden Woche zum ersten Mal einen eigenen Mobilfunk-Tarif auf den Markt bringen. …mehr

  • Computacenter-MBO (vorerst?) abgelehnt

    Die unabhängigen Verwaltungsräte von Computacenter Plc haben dem Vernehmen nach die Offerte eines Management-Buyouts abgelehnt. …mehr

  • Applikations-Manager von Realtech filtert Events

    Die Version 3.0 der System-Management-Lösung "theGuard ApplicationManager" identifiziert ähnliche Alarmmeldungen in komplexen IT-Umbebungen und filtert Duplikate heraus. …mehr

  • HP verpflichtet neuen Consulting-Chef

    John McCain leitet künftig als Senior Vice President das Beratungs- und Integrationsgeschäft von HP. …mehr

  • EU-Ministerrat beschließt Minimal-Kompromiss zu Datenspeicherung

    Mit einem Minimal-Kompromiss zur systematischen Sammlung von Telefon- und Internetdaten ziehen die europäischen Justizminister in den Kampf gegen Terror und Verbrechen. …mehr

  • Neues Skype zusätzlich mit kostenloser Videotelefonie

    Skype, ein Anbieter kostenloser von Internet-Telefonie-Software, hat jetzt Skype 2.0 Beta vorgestellt. …mehr

  • Bouygues Telecom klagt gegen Deutsche-Telekom-Bündnis Freemove

    Bouygues Telecom klagt gegen eine Wettbewerbs-Benachteiligung durch die Deutsche Telekom und ihre Partner im Freemove-Verbund. …mehr

  • Cenit startet neue Mittelstandsoffensive

    Die Stuttgarter Spezialisten für Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Cenit AG Systemhaus, bauen ihre Betreuung von kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen (KMUs) aus. Dazu entwickelt der Anbieter entsprechende PLM Lösungsangebote speziell für diesen Kundenkreis. …mehr

  • Spamgefahr durch Homepage

    Der unerwünschten Spamflut können E-Mail-Nutzer durch entsprechendes Verhalten Einhalt gebieten. …mehr

  • Kunststoffsubstrat macht LCD-Screen biegbar

    Der Elektronikkonzern Samsung hat nach eigenen Angaben das bisher größte flexible Display entwickelt und kürzlich vorgestellt. …mehr

  • Fördermittel für den Mittelstand

    Unter dem Motto "Arbeiten wie die Besten" geht die Mittelstandsförderung 2005, eine gemeinsame Initiative zahlreicher Unternehmen aus dem IT-Bereich, zum zweiten Mal an den Start. …mehr

  • Tetraguard für vorbildliche IT-Sicherheit ausgezeichnet

    Das Troisdorfer Softwarehaus Tetraguard GmbH wurde für den "IT-Sicherheitspreis NRW 2005 nominiert. …mehr

  • University to develop logistics demo for DOD

    The University of Maryland has been awarded a US$2.1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense to develop an interactive supply chain system for the military.  …mehr

  • South African CEO: Web technologies are underutilized

    The Web plays a major part in day-to-day business as an enabler, but are South African businesses really using it to its full potential? Applications are ripe for the picking in what seems to be a resurrection of the dotcom era. CSA talks to Digital Mall's founder and CEO, Yaron Assabi. …mehr

  • Work in sync, in real-time

    Simple business communications can be a challenge. People might miss your phone calls and emails, but a live icon on their instant message (IM) application can indicate a more immediate communication path. Having that real-time sense of a person's presence and the ability to immediately contact them can speed the process or completion of any given task.  …mehr

  • News briefs

    HP's top software executive resigns  …mehr

  • Novell releases Identity Manager 3

    Novell Inc. Monday will release Identity Manager 3, which it said will speed up the process of managing employee passwords and user access rights inside the corporate network by moving that function away from the IT department. "IT people are not the people who know who should have access to things," said Ferris Argyle, product manager for the Identity Manager software.  …mehr

  • Lessons in how to succeed at offshoring

    First-time offshoring customers often encounter a rash of unexpected difficulties, such as lower-than- anticipated cost savings and the need to send IT managers overseas for extended periods to resolve project problems. So serious are these issues that more than half of customers end outsourcing contracts prematurely, according to a recent survey. …mehr

  • Caught in the crosshairs

    Security experts say that the mass-mailing threats of the past are becoming fewer as awareness is now more widespread. But don't relax your guard. Criminals are shifting to targeted means to extract assets from known and designated sources, and you could well be in their crosshairs.  …mehr

  • OAUG adds 4 PeopleSoft groups to roster

    As Oracle Corp.'s acquisition of PeopleSoft Inc. nears the one-year mark, some PeopleSoft user groups are starting to link up with the Oracle Applications User Group . …mehr

  • RFID tags for chickens?

    Digital Angel, the world's largest manufacturer of implantable microchips for animals, is proposing that biothermal RFID chips be used on a sampling of the world's 25 billion chickens as an early warning system for avian flu. …mehr

  • Getting real

    It is surely one of the more mind-blowing PowerPoint slides ever created. It's a graph, and one of the smallest numbers, near the bottom of the vertical axis, is 1040, the number of seconds from now until the sun burns up. Then comes 1047, the number of atoms on Earth. After that, the numbers get really big, topping the scale at 10301,020. …mehr

  • Getting a handle on ITIL

    It's about time that IT organizations in the U.S. began to adopt the framework called ITIL, or the IT Infrastructure Library. Because ITIL allows clear communication and consistency without being proprietary to a platform or hardware vendor, it will be important to the future of IT service management.  …mehr

  • Australian IT jobs grow as graduates in demand

    Jobs in IT are continuing to grow steadily, and graduates are in high demand due to an increasing skills shortage, according to the Olivier Internet Job Index.  …mehr

  • Security concerns cloud online shopping

    The big increase in online sales that is expected this holiday shopping season comes amid what appears to be unprecedented consumer concern over data privacy, online fraud and identity theft. …mehr

  • AmberPoint able to manage sets of SOA services

    AmberPoint is upgrading its SOA management platform to accommodate more complex deployments. Focusing on run-time governance, the company on Monday is announcing release 5.0 of AmberPoint, adding the ability to manage sets of services rather than just individual services. …mehr

  • Size up the options

    Conventional stock market wisdom: "buy on bad news; sell on good news." But unlike stock investments, the constant debate on IT investment does not revolve around "when," but "how."  …mehr

  • Complaints prompt Lenovo to update ThinkPad BIOS

    Under the heading of laptop computer problems, there are minor issues and major issues. Laptop support engineer Kim Kramaric has identified a third category: annoying issues. …mehr

  • Microsoft beefs up security partner rules

    Microsoft Corp. last week said it's now requiring that security partners be certified by one of two third-party organizations. The move marks the first time Microsoft has required that partners be certified outside of its own Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer program. …mehr

  • Career watch

    Deepak Chebbi …mehr

  • Satellites can help China's farmers get online

    In western China's Gansu province, primary school students download and print agricultural information from the Jinta county government's Web site for their parents and neighbors. This is just one example of how schools in rural China are helping communities bridge "the last kilometer" and bring the benefits of IT to people who live in these areas  …mehr

  • Hotlines offer cost-effective access to information

    Need a babysitter? In Ningbo, a city on China's eastern coast, residents can hire a babysitter or take advantage of a range of other government-provided information services by dialling the 81890 government hotline. …mehr

  • IT managers seek help with Web services

    The spread of Web services has forced IT managers to seek out new tools to ease the cumbersome process of managing policies like security and performance. …mehr

  • JBoss makes enterprise transaction play

    JBoss on Monday is set to make enterprise transactional software part of its open source software portfolio. The company is announcing its acquisition of the ArjunaTS (Transaction Service) technology from Arjuna Technologies and Hewlett-Packard. …mehr

  • Data from the heavens

    Imagine that your data is as vast as the heavens, with the information as complex as galaxies themselves. …mehr

  • Mainframe integration, Web services tools get new home

    Merrill Lynch & Co. has sold a mainframe Web services tool set that processes 1.5 million transactions per day to SOA Software Inc., a service-oriented architecture management and governance vendor. …mehr

  • Gerry Wilson, RSA Security CIO

    Two-factor authentication has recently arrived on Hong Kong's Internet banking scene. As the CIO of a major two-factor authentication technology provider, Gerry Wilson shared with Computerworld Hong Kong's Sheila Lam what security means for RSA.  …mehr

  • IT moving into Its latest up cycle

    You don't have to be a weatherman to detect a touch of froth in the air. For the first time in more than five years, the IT industry press is pretty much all positive, with the eyes of the Internet world focused on the future. There is even talk about IT being "disruptive" again. Has a new up cycle begun, perhaps even a minibubble? It would seem so. …mehr

  • From Advanstar to Questex

    The question for any business planning ahead is: "What will the industry look like in ten years time?" More specifically for us as trade media: "How will our content evolve, and what benefits can we deliver to our customers, across which media platforms?"  …mehr

  • Big Easy Wi-Fi

    Why, oh why is New Orleans launching a free citywide wireless network? At a time when the hurricane-ravaged city is still largely unlivable, with tap water still undrinkable in some areas, with the local power company saying electricity and natural gas won't flow in some neighborhoods until February, with many homes and businesses still waiting for phone and cable- TV service to work again -- with all that still to handle, why did New Orleans last week start a city-owned, open-to-the-public Wi-Fi system that's nominally aimed at attracting tourists, conventions and new businesses? …mehr

  • Jim Goodnight, SAS Institute CEO

    Dr Jim Goodnight is founder and CEO of SAS Institute, the world's largest privately held software company. He talked to Computerworld Hong Kong's Stefan Hammond at the SAS Forum International (recently held in Lisbon, Portugal) on subjects ranging from competitors, Chinese business etiquette (or lack thereof) and the Patriot Act.  …mehr

  • Katrina brought out the best of IT

    Hurricane Katrina was the worst natural disaster in U.S. history. It displaced more than a million people and created a federal disaster area covering 90,000 square miles. Its effects were unprecedented, but the response from the IT industry was powerful. Working through the American Red Cross , the industry donated tens of millions of dollars in cash, products and services. …mehr

  • China needs to centralize e-government efforts

    China needs to centralize the management of national e-government programs for better oversight, according to Chen Fuxiao, vice chairman of the China Informatization Alliance and an e-government specialist. …mehr

  • Quantum adds security to storage line

    Quantum Corp. Monday will announce various security features for its tape and disk storage products -- some available now and others planned for next year -- to help IT managers do a better job of protecting stored data from unauthorized access and disclosures. …mehr

  • Accountant eyes compliance via document management

    Ensuring information can be adequately audited in the event of an investigation has driven a national accounting firm to tighten its grip on document management and archiving.  …mehr

  • OpSource launches SaaS incubator program

    In what some are calling a significant sign of the times in the software industry, OpSource, a SaaS (software as a service) infrastructure provider, will announce this week the Incubator Program, one of the first such initiatives to help startups deliver their applications using the SaaS model. …mehr

  • Developing your business acumen

    In today's market, expectations for IT professionals are changing. We are at a point where it is assumed that IT professionals possess a solid technical foundation. What is different is that corporate leadership is expecting everyone, IT employees included, to develop his business acumen as well, to gain a better understanding of the market forces affecting the organization. This requires IT professionals to develop a business-minded approach to technology projects, in order to drive credibility with their internal customers.  …mehr

  • China's manufacturers look to integrate IT systems

    Manufacturing is the core of China's economy, accounting for 39 percent of the country's total gross domestic product and 90 percent of its exports. At the same time, manufacturing is undergoing profound changes in China. …mehr

  • Dell looks to stay the course in South Africa

    Dell SA managing director, Stewart van Graan, says the company's strategy for 2006 is not changing drastically. 'We have been consistent for the past 10 years in what we do, and will remain that way,' he adds. …mehr

  • New York hospitals launch patient smart card initiative

    Two major hospitals in the New York metropolitan area have joined with a vendor of smart card technologies on a pilot project designed to provide patients with better portability of their health care information and give doctors better access to that data. Under the initiative announced Monday, Mount Sinai Medical Center, the Elmhurst Hospital Center and Siemens Communications Inc. will initially deploy around 100,000 smart cards to patients at the two hospitals and several other affiliates in the area beginning in the second quarter of 2006.  …mehr

  • Mindreef launches Web services lifecycle collaboration

    Mindreef is launching a venture into what the company calls Web services lifecycle collaboration management for building Web services and SOA. …mehr

  • SAP hires staff wandering off the Oracle trail

    SAP Australia/New Zealand has recruited up to 40 former Oracle employees in the past 12 months with resumes continuing to arrive on a weekly basis, according to the company's local managing director Geraldine McBride.  …mehr

  • HP to unveil dashboard tool

    Hewlett-Packard Co. Monday is set to unveil OpenView Dashboard, which is expected to include the ability to quickly create views of complex systems to monitor the health of business services.  …mehr

  • News briefs

    Microsoft issues alert for IE bug …mehr

  • Users slow to back up data off-site

    More companies are making disk-to-disk backups for data protection in the wake of hurricanes Katrina and Wilma, but there's one problem: Many are keeping that duplicate data locally, where it's still vulnerable to the effects of a disaster. …mehr

  • On the mark

    ABBA music to WAN managers' ears as new tool helps keep network humming. Next month, Streamcore System Inc. in Puteaux, France, will move its headquarters to Sunnyvale, Calif., and upgrade the software for its StreamGroomer WAN acceleration appliances. Key to the upgrade, says CEO Eric Jeux, is the new application behavior-based acceleration (ABBA) hardware. ABBA (not to be confused with the 1970s Scandinavian pop singing troupe) classifies application traffic across a WAN into three behavior types -- interaction, transaction or transfer -- and applies appropriate service levels, claims Jeux. For example, interaction between an end user and an application requires fast response times and is given the necessary bandwidth. Streamcore's appliances can handle traffic loads from 2Mbit to 300Mbit/sec. A typical installations starts around US$30,000, Jeux says.  …mehr

  • Sydney to get business WiMax network

    Wireless broadband carrier Access Providers has announced it will build a WiMax-based network in Sydney early next year with exclusive focus on business customers.  …mehr

  • Global dispatches

    German court puts Deutsche Telekom purchase on hold …mehr

  • Ingres loyalists hope for reversal of database decline

    The new owners of the venerable Ingres database are pinning their comeback hopes on enterprise users who are fed up with the hefty commercial license fees and open-source developers who are largely unaware of the long-declining database. …mehr

  • Microsoft's friends in high places

    What happens when Microsoft loses in the market? It goes running to its friends in high places, that is what. Witness the fall-out so far from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' (CoM) decision to adopt the OpenDocument Format (ODF).  …mehr

  • Wal-Mart to add 250 IT jobs, expand online presence

    Wal-Mart Stores Inc. will add 250 new IT jobs during the next year, filling the majority of the positions with new college graduates rather than experienced IT veterans. The retail giant also plans to promote about 25 percent of the IT personnel already on board. …mehr

  • Goin' mobile

    As the Grouch continuously strives to challenge established boundaries--technological and otherwise--he decided to employ the Scientific Method and conduct a new experiment.  …mehr

  • UPDATE - IBM to support Open Document standard

    The love for open formats for electronic documents pouring out of the government ranks of Massachusetts is encouraging, but where are the products to help make the Open Document dream a reality? …mehr

  • Autopage, Vodacom reach service agreement

    Autopage, a subsidiary of Altec, recently signed an agreement with Vodacom, whereby Autopage will be a preferred independent service provider to the Vodacom Network.  …mehr

  • Skewered by the Linuxtistas

    Emiliano Zapata was the best known leader of an early twentieth-century "Mexican Revolution" which sought to overthrow US hegemony. His famed fanatical followers became known as "Zapatistas," and the suffix "-tista" has been used to describe diehard fanatics of whatever stripe. Nowadays, the most popular variety are the "Linuxtistas": a diverse bunch whose main point of agreement is their collective affinity for open source software and Linux-based operating systems.  …mehr

  • A cure for storage hardware dependence

    Netizens, like digital drug addicts, keep buying ever-larger fixes of storage for all the high-definition content on the planet. But back at the knowledge ranch, weird science is going to help us kick the storage habit and the hardware economics that keep us addicted. …mehr

  • Bold decisions

    Last week, Computerworld reporter Marc L. Songini brought to my attention an excellent two-part article by Michael Massing on the sorry state of news reporting in the U.S. Massing's piece, which appeared in The New York Review of Books (, faults print and broadcast news organizations for a lot of things, but especially for their timidity. …mehr

  • SaaS broadens reach to product life cycle management

    Once the domain of only the largest manufacturers, Product Lifecycle Management [PLM] applications are now needed by even the smallest machine shop thanks to environmental compliance regulations. Companies in search of an easy-to-deploy, inexpensive solution for its suppliers are now turning to software as a service. …mehr

  • Chinese educators look to break down the digital divide

    Access to digital resources must be shared if Chinese schools are to take advantage of the information systems that have built for schools in recent years, according to attendees at the recent China Computerworld CEO & CIO Summit in Beijing. …mehr

  • Cutting through the ILM hype

    Storage is a topic that never goes away. As the issue moves from storage capacity to manageability, information lifecycle management (ILM) has become the latest buzzword among storage vendors.  …mehr

  • Users driven to third-party security

    Managing a 9TB SQL Server 2005 database full of confidential information such as patients' health claims and Social Security numbers, Adam Solesby knows he can't afford to skimp on security. …mehr

  • News briefs

    Cray chief scientist to join Microsoft  …mehr

  • Predictive texting combines English-Filipino

    SMS-crazy Filipinos fond of typing shortcuts instead of the actual words can soon program their own jargon, whether in Tagalog or English, when texting in dictionary mode. …mehr

  • Security log

    Software assists in risk assessments …mehr

  • Sun targets developers with expanded open-source effort

    Sun Microsystems Inc., whose software business has long lagged behind competitors', last week extended its list of open-source offerings to include all of its core software products. …mehr

  • Software can aid financial reporting compliance

    With the goal of having one uniform and globally accepted financial reporting standard, the adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) has already become a global trend. Formerly known as the International Accounting Standards or IAS, the IFRS has also already been adopted by the Philippines and is now referred to as the Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS), which requires a common financial reporting platform across all industries based on set standards. …mehr

  • IT under the gun

    Keith R. Thode's clients needed help, and fast. So he loaded up his car with two volunteers and a variety of equipment and hit the road, driving from his Dallas office right into a disaster zone. …mehr

  • Cisco kicks off annual analyst conference

    Cisco Systems Inc. kicks off its 11th annual Worldwide Analyst Conference Monday with an announcement of new technologies directed at service providers and a greater focus on application services technologies, which CEO John Chambers expected to discuss Tuesday.  …mehr

  • Info security survey: HK IT experts not impressed

    Results of the Hong Kong Information Security Annual Survey were announced at a press conference in Hong Kong last month, with over 63 percent of IT professionals saying they feel that the general development of information security (IS) in Hong Kong is unsatisfactory, according to the survey authors.  …mehr

  • Technology briefs

    Adaptec updates OS for snap servers …mehr

  • IBM Workplace to support Open Document standard

    IBM Corp. on Monday plans to announce support for the ODF standard in an upcoming release of its Workplace Managed Client application.  …mehr

  • Law and order on the open-source range

    Years ago, when Charlie Brenner encountered open-source technology, he saw a great opportunity, but he also saw some danger. Free, effective source code was great, but Brenner recognized that there would be added complexity in managing what he calls "the Wild West environment" of open-source licensing, primarily licenses that force you to turn your own private code into open-source if you violate their provisions. …mehr

  • California plans hacking test of e-voting systems

    Looking to quell fears about potential vote tampering with electronic voting machines, the state of California this month plans to hold a hacking test of an optical scan voting device from Diebold Election Systems. …mehr

  • Shark tank

    Getting the message …mehr

  • Tech solutions for Hong Kong's traffic woes

    Last May 9, Kowloon's entire transport network was paralyzed when a violent storm scattered trees and scaffolding across roads, causing over two hundred traffic accidents. Tens of thousands of commuters were left stranded. Not only did this incident raise worrying questions about the HKSAR government's capability to cope with public transport incidents due to unexpected weather conditions, but it also exposed inadequacies in the deployment of advanced technologies in Hong Kong's transport system.  …mehr

  • Deciphering options for laptop encryption

    During the past two weeks, I started up a disk encryption project, one of the technology initiatives under my company's intellectual asset protection program. (I will cover the deployment of the other technology initiative, digital rights management, in a future column.) …mehr

  • IT helps end WAN construction firm's slowdown

    When users at Perini Corp. complained early this year about slow performance when using critical hosted project management software, IT managers scratched their heads and undertook a little detective work. …mehr

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