Meldungen vom 12.12.2005

  • Update: 30.000 Telekom-Mitarbeiter protestieren gegen Stellenabbau

    Mit bundesweiten Protesten haben fast 30.000 Beschäftigte der Deutschen Telekom gegen den geplanten Stellenabbau protestiert. …mehr

  • bietet "Sandkästen" für AppExchange

    Gegen Aufpreis sollen Kunden des kommenden "AppExchange"-Marktplatzes von eine abgeschottete "Sandbox" für Tests nutzen können. …mehr

  • BenQ Mobile bringt im Januar drei Doppelmarken-Handys

    Im kommenden Monat will die BenQ Mobile GmbH ihre drei ersten Mobiltelefone unter der Doppelmarke BenQ-Siemens auf den Markt bringen. …mehr

  • Unternehmen setzen auf Mietsoftware

    Trend zur Software als Service hält an. …mehr

  • OpenLogic holt sich Verstärkung von HP

    Die US-Firma OpenLogic hat HPs Linux-Guru Stormy Peters als Produkt-Management-Chefin angeheuert. …mehr

  • Autor von falscher Biografie bei Wikipedia entschuldigt sich

    Der Urheber einer falschen Biografie in der Online-Enzyklopädie Wikipedia hat sich zu erkennen gegeben und sich bei dem US-Journalisten John Seigenthaler entschuldigt. …mehr

  • Neuer Geschäftsführer bei AOL Deutschland

    Der Schweizer Charles Fränkl (47) ist neuer Geschäftsführer der AOL Deutschland GmbH & Co, KG. …mehr

  • AOL-Gründer Case fordert ebenfalls Aufspaltung von Time Warner

    Der America-Online-Mitgründer und frühere AOL-Konzernchef Stephen Case hat sich für die Aufspaltung des weltgrößten Medienkonzerns Time Warner in vier eigenständige Unternehmen stark gemacht …mehr

  • Creative bringt neuen iPod-Konkurrenten

    Creative Technology versucht weiterhin, Apples weltweit dominierendem "iPod" Marktanteile abzunehmen. …mehr

  • T-Systems senkt die Preise für BusinessCall-Verbindungen

    T-Systems senkt für alle Kunden mit den Bu-sinessCall-Tarifen 501, 701 und 551 die Preise für Verbindungen in Mobilfunknetze. …mehr

  • Lexware erhält Ebay-Entwicklerpreis

    Ebay Deutschland hat das Softwarehaus Lexware mit dem eBay-Entwicklerpreis "Beste Innovation Q3/Q4 2005" ausgezeichnet. …mehr

  • Linux-Komplettlösung für iSeries

    Univention, ein Spezialanbieter für Linux-Produkte, hat eine Version seiner Linux-Komplettlösung Univention Corporate Server (UCS) für Februar 2006 angekündigt. Sie wird auf iSeries-Servern laufen. …mehr

  • Hochsaison für Kreditkartenbetrüger im E-Commerce

    Kreditkartenbetrüger feiern fröhliche Weihnachten auf Kosten gutgläubiger Nutzer. …mehr

  • Zahlen Sie Ihre Telefonrechnung(en) pauschal?

    Liebe Leser, wie an jedem Montag stellen wir Ihnen auch heute wieder unsere neue "Frage der Woche". …mehr

  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM ab Januar verfügbar

    Vom 1. Januar 2006 an ist die deutsche Version von Microsofts CRM-Software, Dynamics CRM 3.0, verfügbar. …mehr

  • IT-Sicherheitsanbieter warnt vor Falschhandel bei Ebay

    Der IT-Sicherheits-Spezialist Integralis geht davon aus, dass Ebay-Kunden in Zukunft im-mer häufiger Opfer von Falschhändlern wer-den. …mehr

  • Nachwuchsmangel bremst Wachstumsaussichten der ITK-Branche

    Aktuellen Erhebungen des Statistischen Bundesamtes zufolge ist die Zahl der Informatik-Erstsemester-Studenten im Studienjahr 2005 um rund vier Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr gesunken. …mehr

  • SSA meldet steigende Lizenzeinnahmen

    Der "ERP-Gemischtwarenladen" SSA Global hat Ende vergangener Woche Zahlen zum abgeschlossenen ersten Fiskalquartal vorgelegt. …mehr

  • IT-Mittelstandsindex: wirtschaftliche Entwicklung auf Zweijahres-Hoch

    Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung des deutschen Mittelstands zeigte im November einen positiven Trend. …mehr

  • Registrierung für eu-Domains hat begonnen

    Seit einigen Tagen können eingetragene europäische Marken, öffentliche Einrichtungen oder geographische Angaben bei der neuen eu-Domain registriert werden. …mehr

  • Internet-Flatrate von BASE kommt im Januar

    Die E-Plus-Marke BASE startet zum 1. Januar eine Internet-Flatrate. …mehr

  • Rollbares elektronisches Papier soll 2008 Laptops ersetzen

    Der Kunststoff-Elektronik-Hersteller Plastic Logic hat eigenen Angaben zufolge das welt-weit größte flexible organische Aktiv-Matrix-Display entwickelt …mehr

  • DAX-Unternehmen zögern noch beim Einsatz von Weblogs

    Erst fünf der führenden 30 deutschen Firmen setzen Online-Journale für die Unternehmenskommunikation ein. …mehr

  • Chipverkäufe erreichen 2005 neuen Rekord

    Vor allem die Nachfrage nach Speicherchips treibt den Markt an. …mehr

  • Gute Chancen für Softwareentwickler

    Fast ein Drittel der IT-Positionen entfallen auf Programmierer. …mehr

  • eEye Digital Security betritt Antiviren-Arena

    Das Sicherheitsunternehmen erweitert seine Produktpalette. …mehr

  • Will Microsoft Suchmaschinennutzer bezahlen?

    Laut einem Bericht des "Wallstreet Journal" könnten Anwender von MSN Search Geld, Inhalte und Software erhalten. …mehr

  • Fußball-Wörterbuch nicht nur für Briten

    Die britische Botschaft macht ihre Landsleute mit einer Web-Site fit für die WM. …mehr

  • Yahoo! und Six Apart kooperieren

    Yahoo! und die Weblog-Firma Six Apart kündigen heute eine Zusammenarbeit an. …mehr

  • China liefert mehr IT-Produkte als die USA

    Zum ersten Mal hat die chinesische Wirtschaft mehr Informations- und Kommunikationsprodukte exportiert als die Vereinigten Staaten. …mehr

  • Panasonic entwickelt nur noch UMTS-Handys mit Linux

    Die Matsushita-Tochter Panasonic Mobile Communications will ihre Entwicklung angesichts des "harten globalen Wettbewerbs" auf 3G-Mobiltelefone mit Linux konzentrieren. …mehr

  • Google vorzeitig im Nasdaq-100

    Die kalifornische Suchfirma Google ist so schnell gewachsen, dass sie außer der Reihe in den neu geordneten Nasdaq-100-Index der US-Hightech-Börse aufgenommen wurde. …mehr

  • Symantec sichert kritische Systeme ab

    Zum Jahresende will Symantec eine neue Version seiner Intrusion-Prevention-Software für Server und Clients ausliefern. …mehr

  • 25.000 Telekom-Beschäftigte protestieren gegen Personalabbau

    Rund 25.000 Telekom-Beschäftigte wollen heute in mehreren deutschen Städten gegen den geplanten Personalabbau demonstrieren. …mehr

  • Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen Arcor-Vertriebsvorstand

    Die Stuttgarter Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt nach einem Zeitungsbericht gegen den heutigen Arcor-Vertriebsvorstand Heinz-Josef Kraus wegen Untreue. …mehr

  • US-Gericht genehmigt Vergleich in Sammelklage gegen Intershop

    Der zwischen dem angeschlagenen Software-Anbieter Intershop und Klägern in den USA getroffene Vergleich ist vom zuständigen Gericht in Kalifornien genehmigt worden. …mehr

  • Open-Source-CRM greift kommerzielle Konkurrenz an

    SugarSuite 4.0 soll es mit Siebel und aufnehmen. …mehr

  • 3Coms Europazentrale bei Öldepot-Explosion beschädigt

    Die Explosion eines Öldepots im englischen Hemel Hempstead hat auch die EMEA-Zentrale des Netzausrüsters 3Com lädiert. Mitarbeiter kamen aber nicht zu Schaden. …mehr

  • Top-Manager verlässt T-Systems

    Kamyar Niroumand, zuständig für das Geschäft mit Großkunden, kehrt dem IT-Dienstleister im kommenden März den Rücken. …mehr

  • Anforderungen an Shoplösungen steigen

    Eine gutes Content-Management und Best Practices vergrößern die Erfolgschancen. …mehr

  • Disciplined leader

    George C. Rimnac, 52, is vice president and chief technologist at W.W. Grainger Inc., a Lake Forest, Ill.-based distributor of facilities maintenance products. He was a pioneer in distributed and peer-to-peer computing in the 1980s. …mehr

  • Mixed systems remain common in data centers

    There were a few murmurs of surprise at Gartner Inc.'s annual data center conference in Las Vegas last week when more than 40 percent of the attendees who responded to a poll of the audience said mainframes are still part of their IT environments. …mehr

  • IT heroes

    Information technology can be wonderfully agile when we have careful planning, standard processes and great communication. That's the message Computerworld's Julia King got from the IT leaders among this year's Premier 100. In fact, it's that stability that makes real IT agility possible. …mehr

  • Defining leadership

    What constitutes IT leadership? What milestones must an IT executive reach to achieve that status? What recognition or position must he attain in order to become a leader in a profession that counts among its members some of the most dynamic and innovative individuals any of us will ever encounter? …mehr

  • Programming options pose dilemma for SQL server users

    Only three of Nasdaq Stock Market Inc.'s 30 developers have expertise in using the native programming language for Microsoft Corp.'s SQL Server database. So for two major upcoming IT projects, the New York-based exchange hopes to write database code using general-purpose programming languages that all of the developers know. …mehr

  • Protege profile

    Steve Yon …mehr

  • SANS to launch grad-level programs in info security

    The SANS Institute, a Bethesda, Maryland-based cybersecurity training and certification company, today announced that it will start offering two graduate-level degree programs in information security engineering and management beginning in February. …mehr

  • Business booster

    Elizabeth Hackenson, 45, executive vice president and CIO at MCI Inc., began her career more than 25 years ago as a data entry clerk at Univac. After that, she worked at systems integrator Electronic Data Systems Corp. and Concert Communications Services, where she had a business role in building new products. She began her career at MCI as a vice president heading up strategic development for CRM and consolidated billing projects before she became CIO in October 2004. She recently spoke with Computerworld's Heather Havenstein. …mehr

  • Gartner: Semiconductor industry reaches historic level

    Worldwide semiconductor revenue will total US$235 billion in 2005, a 6.9 percent increase from 2004, according to preliminary results from Gartner. …mehr

  • Cool chips offer some help to data centers

    In past years, David McCarter typically bought the fastest and best- performing chips to run his servers. The power and heating impact of the chip wasn't nearly as important. …mehr

  • Agile by design

    When Dianah Neff was appointed CIO of Philadelphia in 2001, the country's fifth-largest city had virtually no IT governance in place. Decisions were made but not always executed. Goals were set, but projects were never initiated. …mehr

  • IT adventurer

    John Sullivan …mehr

  • Master of details

    A glance at a single day's jam-packed schedule for Mark Popolano, 48, senior vice president and CIO at American International Group Inc. (AIG), offers insight into the approach he favors for managing the global IT operations of the international insurance and financial services conglomerate. …mehr

  • Share exec spells out user group's wish list

    Share, a Chicago-based IBM user group, has assembled a "wish list" of things it would like vendors to do to address some of the IT issues large enterprises face. Many of the items on Share's list call for improved vendor interoperability around file systems and identity management, according to Share President Robert Rosen, who is also CIO of the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. Rosen also outlined the user group's motives and some of its needs in an interview with Computerworld. Among the items on the group's list: enterprise-worthy open-source software, easier server consolidation, interoperable calendaring capabilities, longer-lasting batteries for mobile computing, and a standards-based distributed file system. …mehr

  • HP unveils dashboard tool at French event

    Hewlett-Packard Co. last week unveiled OpenView Dashboard, which is designed to let users quickly create views of complex systems to monitor the health of business services. …mehr

  • Multitask juggler

    Terry P. Brooks, 51, division manager of information services at Yamaha Motor Corporation U.S.A., is already thinking through IT issues before most people are out of bed. Here's what a typical day looks like for this IT leader, who manages about 125 people and is responsible for long-term IT strategy at Yamaha. …mehr

  • New Zealand Yellow Pages goes from strength to strength

    The Yellow Pages isn't resting on its laurels following its recent re-launch. Despite seeing a 20 percent increase in usage, the Yellow Pages has launched its free online mapping service for businesses. …mehr

  • Ask a premier 100 IT leader

    Wendell Fox …mehr

  • Programming options pose dilemma for SQL server users

    Only three of Nasdaq Stock Market Inc.'s 30 developers have expertise in using the native programming language for Microsoft Corp.'s SQL Server database. So for two major upcoming IT projects, the New York-based exchange hopes to write database code using general-purpose programming languages that all of the developers know. …mehr

  • Agent of change

    Barbara D. Carlini …mehr

  • BEA draws up road map for portal apps

    BEA Systems Inc. last week unveiled a two-year road map for combining its WebLogic Portal with similar software it gained with the acquisition of Plumtree Software Inc. in October. …mehr

  • Dell storage GM on EMC, Microsoft, road maps

    Dell Inc. general manager of storage Darren Thomas and Dell President Kevin Rollins were scheduled to visit Hopkinton, Mass.-based EMC Corp. Friday to discuss the three-year-old OEM relationship between the two companies. Ahead of that visit, Thomas stopped by Computerworld's offices to talk about Dell's plans to more tightly integrate its PowerVault systems management software with EMC's hardware and to discuss how Dell plans to boost external storage systems revenues. The Dell/EMC relationship has been a boon for both companies, with combined storage sales growing 30.8 percent this past quarter to US$1.26 billion, according to IDC.  …mehr

  • In memoriam: Gerard Higgins

    A benchmark is defined as a standard used for comparison. It's a term usually reserved for measures, but I've had the honor of working with a person who fits the definition -- Gerry Higgins, vice president of Verizon's IT infrastructure (or VIPS, as it's know internally). …mehr

  • Speed of business

    Change is now the only constant in most corporate IT shops. Not only do today's technology leaders make systems-related decisions that affect thousands of users, but they also must react quickly to market shifts and hustle to appease zealous CEOs bent on getting ahead in fast-paced industries. …mehr

  • Foreign challenge

    Today's IT leaders are finding it increasingly difficult to bury their heads in U.S. soil. Even domestic companies are finding offshore partners or are testing the waters of emerging overseas markets -- or they soon will. And multinationals that already span the globe are increasingly reining in decentralized IT operations and striving to create a portfolio of global IT standards and applications that also accommodate local variances. …mehr

  • Protege profile

    Michael R. Dean …mehr

  • Check VOIP's true costs before the deal is done

    Find out the true cost of moving to IP telephony before making any final decision, because it is rare to find companies that have actually achieved any real savings, according to Ericsson enterprise division director Chris Pattas. …mehr

  • On the mark

    Stop squeezing desktop apps ... …mehr

  • US hospitals, Siemens launch smart-card pilot

    Two major New York hospitals have joined with a vendor of smart-card technologies on a pilot project to provide patients with portable health care records and give doctors better access to that data. …mehr

  • People first

    Information technology manager Farzad Golshani holds his staff in high esteem, and one way he shows it is not to seem like he's too high on himself. …mehr

  • Master organizer

    For Julie F. Butcher, vice president of IT at home builder MDC Holdings Inc. in Centennial, Colo., the day starts early and ends late, with few quiet moments in between. Here's an inside look at a day in the life of one of the country's top CIOs. …mehr

  • Managing megaprojects

    CIO Andres Carvallo presented a grim prognosis for Austin Energy 's IT systems to company executives during a meeting in January 2003. The 10th-largest public power utility in the nation had spent several years building IT silos without a CIO at the helm. The company was rife with inefficiencies. There were too many manual processes, the utility was paying twice with redundant systems, companywide IT standards were nonexistent, and executives didn't have real-time data for making decisions. …mehr

  • US university to build military supply chain prototype

    The U.S. Department of Defense has awarded a US$2.1 million grant to the University of Maryland to develop a prototype Web-based interactive supply chain system for the military. …mehr

  • Cohesive compliance

    Top technology officials who toil daily in heavily regulated environments offer these words of encouragement to companies new to the struggles of compliance: What doesn't kill or bankrupt you makes you stronger. …mehr

  • Tech strategist

    William Westrate, 44, was vice president and CIO at food and facilities management company Aramark Corp. until Sept. 30, 2005. While in that role, he headed up the development and rollout of a tool called ISISpro to integrate data about housekeeping, patient transportation, clinical equipment management and plant operations for Aramark's front-line managers and its hospital customers. Computerworld's Heather Havenstein talked with him about his work. …mehr

  • News briefs

    Microsoft to add 3,000 staffers in India …mehr

  • Cisco moves to support network management

    Cisco Systems Inc. Tuesday will announce a set of four network management products and an equal number of companion services, all based on a service-oriented framework that Cisco officials detailed here last week. …mehr

  • Sun exec on StorageTek integration

    Sun Microsystems Inc. this week announced new servers based on its UltraSparc T1 processor but still remained mum on its storage plans. Randy Kerns , the new vice president of strategy and planning for Sun's Data Management Group, spoke with Computerworld last week about the status of the integration of recently acquired Storage Technology Corp. and Sun's plan to address the coming threat to tape systems of holographic storage. …mehr

  • Succeeding at sourcing

    How do you strike a successful balance of in-house and outsourced IT expertise? …mehr

  • Shark tank

    Tech director decides to oversee the test of the data center's UPS. Notices are sent, the test window time is reached, and just as the network admin is about to pull the plug on the UPS, tech director flips the UPS's switch instead. "At the sudden silence in the server room, the tech director realized his error," reports a pilot fish on the scene. "He turned to the network admin and sighed, 'Just goes to show why you should never let management help.'" …mehr

  • Protege profile

    Allison Young …mehr

  • to launch full production test bed

    Hoping to capture more seats in the enterprise, will introduce Salesforce Sandbox as part of its Winter 2006 release. Sandbox is a full parallel copy of a company's production environment to be used for testing, development, and end-user training. …mehr

  • Network General names Bill Gibson its new CEO

    Network General Corp., which makes network and application performance analysis products, including its well-known Sniffer line, today announced the appointment of industry veteran Bill Gibson as its CEO. He will also serve on the Network General board as a voting member. …mehr

  • Computech agrees to pay $2.25M in H-1B worker case

    Computech Corp. late last month agreed to pay US$2.65 million in back wages and fines to settle a U.S. Department of Labor complaint that it underpaid workers from overseas. …mehr

  • Community liaison

    As CIO and vice president of information technology services at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Lev S. Gonick, 46, works with 191 IT employees and provides stewardship of a US$38 million IT budget. …mehr

  • IT convert

    Rebecca "Becky" A. Blalock, 49, is corporate CIO and senior vice president at Southern Co. in Atlanta. A 27-year veteran of the US$12 billion energy company, Blalock's first IT job was as one of Southern's five regional CIOs, at subsidiary Georgia Power Co. She recently presided over Project LightNet, a communications network overhaul that's expected to save the company $78 million over 10 years. She talked recently with Computerworld's Gary H. Anthes. …mehr

  • Users seek validation on server consolidation

    IT managers at last week's data center conference in Las Vegas packed a presentation on server consolidation, just as they have at similar events in the past. Attendees such as Alfred Masse were seeking to compare their own consolidation experiences with the results of a survey that Gartner conducted on the topic last summer. …mehr

  • Users test storage functions in Windows Server 2003

    Beta users of Microsoft Corp. 's Windows Server 2003 R2 operating system, which was released last week, gave mostly upbeat reviews of the technology's storage functionality. …mehr

  • The next generation of IT

    Bill Regehr is always looking for people with promise. "There are just some people you see and know instantly that they're worth investing in," he says. …mehr

  • Global dispatches

    Intel pledges increase in its India investments …mehr

  • Billing issue affects New Zealand Vodafone customers

    Vodafone 3G customers who find themselves transmitting data on the slower GPRS network could be in for a nasty shock when they receive their bill. A billing problem has seen one company charged extra for GPRS traffic regardless of how much 3G traffic it had remaining. …mehr

  • At deadline briefs

    Microsoft plans to issue two fixes …mehr

  • Security imperative

    To Ken Bohlen, an organization's attitude toward information security is modeled by the expectations that are set at the very top. …mehr

  • Managing up

    Since becoming CIO at Rockford, Ill.-based Rockford Health System in November 1994, Dennis L'Heureux has reported to two CEOs and an interim chief executive. He has also worked with four chief financial officers and three human resources directors during his tenure, so, he says, "I've had to rebuild a lot of relationships over time." …mehr

  • Port scans don't always precede network hacks

    The assumption that network port scans are a precursor to attempted hacks into computers may be flawed, according to research from the University of Maryland's A. James Clark School of Engineering. …mehr

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