The Macalope Weekly: Who’s the boss?


Go ahead. Check the sacred scrolls. It's in there. Somewhere toward the back. You'll probably need to unroll the whole thing.

Having determined that the tablet is , let's move on to the rumor. Last month,  that the Apple tablet--while it would have many use-cases--would need one simple movie pitch-style hook, like the iPhone was "phone meets Mac". One pitch he suggested was "Mac meets book or newspaper" and puts some more hot air into the Macalope's comically-patched balloon.

Steve Jobs said people don't read any more. But Apple is in talks with several media companies rooted in print, negotiating content for a "new device."

Brian, Brian! Steve says a lot of stuff he doesn't mean! "Internet Explorer is my favorite browser," or "people turn their brains off when they watch TV," or "you're fired, pack your things and be out of the building in an hour."