The Macalope Weekly: Who’s the boss?


Whew, well, dust-up this week over that Tweetie 2.0 would cost--are you clutching your pearls and standing near your fainting couch?--.

And when the Macalope says "big dust-up", he means big .

Boooooo!!! RT @TwitterDispatch: Tweetie 'Upgrade' costs the same as buying new:

Yes, that's former and star Alyssa Milano re-tweeting "sarcastic" quotes to stick it to the man! Who's the boss? Alyssa Milano's the boss now, indy developer beeotch!

On the upside for Milano fans, the horny one guesses this means she's A-O-K with you going ahead and torrenting the entire run of . Hey, you watched the commercials when it aired, right? So you already paid!