The Macalope Weekly: Flash back


Technology coverage can be bewildering sometimes. One day the talking point is “Android ascendant, iPhone doomed!” and the next it’s “Apple abusing its monopoly power!” and no one seems to notice anything’s changed.

Remember when you first watched and Obi-Wan give his eye-rollingly bad explanation for lying to Luke about Vader having “killed” his father? “What I told you was true…from a certain point of view.” Oh, Turns out Luke’s uncle was right! That old man’s crazy!

But here we have a case where your opinion really depend on your point of view. First of all, what do we mean when we talk about “market”? Adobe conflates the market for iPhone OS apps with the entire Internet. Those are clearly not the same. Yes, Apple has completely restricted the market for native iPhone apps (anyone can still make a Web app). If Apple won’t approve your app and it won’t work as a Web app, it seems to the Macalope that the best way to make Apple feel the pain is make a really incredible Android app, not take out a bunch of expensive ads (Adobe is at least ). People like to say but trust the horny one—it’ll listen if people stop buying iPhones.

But the Macalope will be surprised if people move away from the iPhone in droves because of a technology that eases the lives of instead of users.