The Macalope Weekly: Flash back


And that leads us to the second “point of view.” Who’s supposed to care about this dust-up? Like NetNewsWire developer , the Macalope’s having a hard time giving a rip. Even if we don’t support violence, we still all cheer when the abusive boyfriend gets the snot kicked out of him at the end of the made-for-Lifetime movie.

Not that the Macalope’s saying he watches Lifetime.


So, as an Apple product user, it’s hard to get worked up over not having something he doesn’t even want. Sure, it’s not all about Flash, but it’s still unclear what the end-user would really be missing out on.

As someone both literally and figuratively invested in the company, he obviously wants Apple to hold all the cards. There’s no doubt this hardline stance protects the interests of Apple investors, no matter what your new-age doctrines on free markets are.