Letter from a CEO: Steve Jobs responds to your email


Over the past year I have purchased an iPhone and iMac. My wife and daughter love the iPhone and iMac. Apple is doing a phenomenal job innovating. Apple is obsessed with design and perceived quality. Sure they are not perfect, but your articles make them sound like the bottom half of the class.

Let me correct any misconceptions. I don't think Apple products are in the bottom half of the class. I think they're in a class by themselves. But that or less overhyped.

And it doesn't make Steve Jobs any less arrogant. To be fair, though, if you or I or anyone you know had done what Jobs managed to achieve with Apple, we'd be pretty darned arrogant too. At least he comes by it honestly.

Got a bone to pick with me, Jobs, Apple, InfoWorld, or the state of Tennessee? E-mail me: .