Latest Samsung attack ad mocks crowds waiting for iPhone 5


In the current ad, one young man in line using an S III to the distress of others waiting with him, yields his spot to his parents to buy their iPhones. Another iPhone fan exudes to a friend that the iPhone 5 head jack "is going to be on the bottom!" Yet another complains that Apple should give priority to people who have waited in line five times for iPhones.

Back in the real world, crowds have already lined up at Apple stores to buy the iPhone 5 on Friday in large cities, including New York. Some arrived there as early as last Friday -- two days after the iPhone 5 announcement was made. Some in line say they hope to be sure to get a device, rather than having to wait a few weeks when ordering online.

Analysts said Samsung will easily surpass in 2012 the $1 billion it spent on advertising last year, which comes atop a jury has ordered Samsung to pay Apple for patent infringement.

One analyst, Carolina Milanesi of Gartner, said the new ad could backfire on Samsung. She called it a "repeat" of the one that Samsung did for the Galaxy S II when Apple launched the iPhone 4S.

"It does not show much innovation in advertising," she said . "I think that as a vendor, you need to be careful when making fun of users, as more times than not, it does not win you a customer. It just ends up upsetting people who might move on from where they are, but not to your brand."