Troubleshooting: Solve PC Problems Without Losing It


So my iPhone was still refusing to sync properly with my recently upgraded Windows7 PC.

I've read here and there that there's a known issue with Windows 7, gigabyte motherboards, certain Intel chipsets, and iTunes. Maybe that's the culprit? Just one problem: I have no idea what kind of motherboard and chipset are inside my PC.

Enter , a free utility that reveals all kinds of information about your hardware: processor model, RAM size and speed, BIOS brand and version, and so on. It gives you just the kind of information you might need when trying to troubleshoot a sticky problem like this one. Of course, CPU-Z can come in handy for more mundane tasks as well, like figuring out what kind of memory to buy when upgrading your system.

A quick check of the Memory tab, for instance, reveals that I have 400MHz, dual-channel, DDR2 RAM. And the SPD tab shows me what's in each memory slot. On my system, slots 1 and 2 each have a "1024 MByte" (aka. 1GB) Samsung PC2-6400 module. Perfect: Now I know to buy two more just like that to bring my system total to 4GB.