The Macalope Weekly: Vacation interuptus


This war is starting to heat up. It's no longer just a playground fight between fanboys. Developers cannot ignore Android.

Actually, they can and probably will. In addition to leading in units sold, Android also leads in malware and users who simply don't pay for apps. What Android has done is to get more people to replace their old "feature phones" (actual features not included) with cheap Android phones. These users aren't interested in a mobile platform, they just want to make call and send texts. This is why Samsung's best-selling phone .

The old mantra of releasing on iOS and then eventually hitting Android needs to be rethought.

Uh-huh. Tell you what, why don't you hold your breath until that happens?

Google Play is a mess and Android has a very big problem with piracy. Android the ecosystem still sucks, but Android the mobile platform is winning.