The Macalope Weekly: Surprise!


Apple’s proposition to date has been that “good enough” isn’t, in fact, good enough. Only a bunch of technology nerds who obsess over business models that average users couldn’t give a rip about value “open” over “walled garden.”

As bad as MacManus’s take is, . The Macalope would have focused on Wilcox, but, to be honest, he’s had to write about Wilcox over and over and over and, ugh, this relationship is SO SUFFOCATING, JOE.

Wouldn’t it be funny if Apple bullying led to a larger developer revolt and escape to HTML5 mobile web apps?

I guess it might be if, you know, Apple didn’t explicitely offer this as an App Store alternative. Then it be funny. Is Web development funny? Well, it’s a little funny the way the Macalope does it, but he’s pretty sure that’s not what Wilcox is talking about.

What’s particularly rich is all this caterwauling about how unfair Apple’s 30-percent take is to Amazon. Amazon, which took 70 percent of independent book sales until the App Store came along. That was apparently totally cool and not at all like totalitarian socialist regimes.