The Macalope Weekly: Repeat offender


This reminds the Macalope of when the original iPhone was rolled out. The pundits laughed at the major fail that it only ran on EDGE, but that’s what everyone had access to at the time. And the horny one seems to remember the original iPhone doing pretty well.

Apple makes products that are going to provide the optimal user experience to the most people. Not products that check off the most boxes on a feature list, regardless of whether they’re usable or not.

The point Fleishman left the Macalope with, though, was one he hadn’t even considered:

In reality, of course, why do you need more than a few Mbps? For video. But video only needs a few hundred Kbps to maybe 1.5 to 2 Mbps for a tablet device. If that. And service plans are so data limited, you’re not going to be routinely streaming huge amounts of video anyway when you’re on a 3G or 4G network. You’ll only do that over Wi-Fi. Who cares if the network is faster if it’s fast enough?

Well, Glenn, silly pundits like Brett Arends with an axe to grind against Apple care.