The Macalope Weekly: Repeat offender


This week the Macalope takes on a pundit who would have long since been thrown in jail if misleading coverage of Apple were a three-strikes crime. Sadly, the government does nothing about these reckless jackanapes! These miscreants with keyboards roam our streets, flouting the laws of logic and defying all decency! And has this repeat offender infected a bastion of the Apple-covering press?! Will nothing stop this madman?!

Over at MarketWatch, Brett Arends wants you to hear the story about …the story that Steve Jobs doesn’t want you to hear!

What’s the equivalent subsidy on the iPad 2? Nada. Zip. Squat. There isn’t one.

That’s right! Now, many would consider that a feature, not a bug, because with the “subsidy” comes the . If you like long-term commitments to giant corporations, then the iPad may not be for you. But , there’s a reason off-contract phones cost more. It’s called freedom. Arends has apparently never heard of these “freedoms” of which the Macalope speaks.