The Macalope Weekly: Crazy making


Using a back-of-the-napkin analysis, the Macalope estimates Apple would have sold, let's see... carry the two... find the least squares... 47 million iPhone 5s compared to the 4 million iPhone 4Ss it sold.

That's just an estimate, of course. It could have been more like 300 million. The most important take-away from this is that the iPhone 4S is a colossal Failzilla that is laying waste to Cupertino as we speak.

This would be a good time to go back and review the prophetic words of Gartner analyst C.K. Lu, quoted in which was aptly titled "Apple's fall from grace."

"Apple no longer has a leading edge, its cloud service is even behind Android; it can only sell on brand loyalty now," Gartner analyst C.K. Lu told Reuters on Wednesday. "Users may wait to buy the next iPhone; if they can't wait, they may shift to brands with more advanced specs."

Oh, , Apple nerd! Please don't try to bring up the fact that ! Like that has any relevance here! You're only putting your zealotry even more on display, if that's possible.