Screencast Live: How To Make Your Own Web TV Show


To complete this part, you will need to register, or open an account, with a video broadcasting site such as , , or . This guide will be for These sites will read in the data coming from your computer and send a copy of it to anyone who wants to watch. Follow the video tutorial on how to go live with your show once you have an account set up.

When choosing settings here, the most important number to watch is Total Video + Audio Rate. If this number ends up being any higher than 1200 KBps, you will likely have viewers complaining that the video is lagging, skipping frames or jumping. This might be a problem with the streaming site that you use, but more often your viewers simply do not have enough bandwidth to download all of the data from the stream in real time, which causes the player to freeze and skip over missed frames. If you see complaints like this, just lower your Total Video and Audio Rate until your viewers are okay.

If you've followed me up to this step, your computer might be crying for help, and your frame rate might be dropping lower than you'd like. Here's how to tweak your configuration.

First, make sure to turn off anything that you don't need, especially anything using a lot of CPU power. If you use Windows, open the Task Manager, browse through the applications and processes shown, and kill the ones you don't need. Here are a few examples of items to watch out for: