Microsoft 'Sells' 1.5M Windows Phone 7


Other interesting numbers that came out of the Berg interview included the announcement that Microsoft has more than 4,000 apps in its Phone 7 marketplace. That's nothing compared to more than 300,000 for the iPhone and iPad, or around 100,000 for Android. Nevertheless, 4,000 apps for Phone 7 means most of the big name apps that you'd need are likely available on Microsoft's new smartphones -- , of course.

Berg also said Microsoft is going to stick with Windows Phone 7 "for the long run," and that Microsoft will soon be releasing the "first of several [software] updates in the next couple of months."

It may not be clear how many people are actually buying Windows Phone 7, but no matter what the platform's popularity ends up being in the next year, it's clear Microsoft intends to invest in Phone 7 development for a long time to come.

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