Meet Bump, the App Store's billionth download


"Andy bought a Mac the next day and he had the basis for the application done within a week," said Lieb.

The finished product exchanges contact data between two mobile devices over any type of wireless connection. Both users open Bump on their respective phones and then, holding the phones, gently bump their hands together.

There are actually two parts to the swapping of information--the app running on the iPhone and a server in the cloud. In its simplest form, when two phones literally bump, they send the information to the server--the server then uses an algorithm to match that bump to another phone in the cloud. The users are asked if they want to swap information and once confirmed, the info is swapped, saving the new contact data in each user's respective address book.

Bump Technologies has big plans for Bump and the . A paid pro version of the app is in the works, promising the ability to send photos and multiple contacts; look for it in the next few months.

The company is also looking beyond the iPhone and contacts. Bump will be available for other platforms like Google's Android and the BlackBerry. The hope is that users of all platforms can exchange information using the Bump technology.