Meet Bump, the App Store's billionth download

Bump has only been available for download from the App Store for a month, but already the social networking app has secured a place in iPhone app history. Bump became the when a on Thursday.

It's a pretty fortuitous turn of events for an app that aims to help you exchange contact information by bumping your iPhone or iPod touch with another user.

is the first App Store offering from , the brainchild of ex-Texas Instruments employees David Lieb, Andy Huibers, and Jake Mintz.

I spoke with Lieb for a little bit on Friday and found out the origins of Bump. A first year MBA student at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Lieb said he was always jotting contact info into his iPhone when at school.

"I knew there had to be a better way," he said.

Lieb contacted Mintz and Huibers and the company was born. There was however, one problem. Huibers, the programming brains behind the project, didn't have a Mac and had never programmed for any Apple platform.