iPhone 5 rumor rollup for the week ending May 4


Talk about a cornucopia of details. And they all come from "our source," explains Horwitz, doubtless with some proprietary pride. So, an unnamed somebody. Nothing "approximate" about that. And you don't have to keep repeating "according to an unnamed source." That might just introduce a worm of doubt in the trusting minds of readers.

This source insouciance clearly impresses the iOSsphere. At the iPhone 5 Rumor Blog, Michael Nace assures his readers that "The well-sourced iLounge has painted a new picture of what the iPhone 5 could look like, including its screen size, connectivity, and use of metal (maybe LiquidMetal?) on its back." He obviously hasn't caught up with the equally well-sourced blog post by Ubergizmo's Tyler Lee.

Nace is aware that iLounge is using a lone, single, unitary and unnamed, anonymous source. But "Jeremy Horwitz usually delivers the goods over there, so what he has to say is most definitely checking out." Delivering the goods apparently means repeating whatever "our source" tells us.

Speaking of iPhone 5 News Blog and "our source," Michael Nace has a new source and from her has created .