iPhone 5 rumor rollup for the week ending May 4


"By 'units' I mean the documentation for them. I handle no actual products -- just their documentation," she says. "Green and red folders are high level clearance folders, instead of the usual manilla [sic] that are used. Green and red folders are faxed to Cupertino. They aren't shipping folders, but they contain the documentation of the shipments by Apple, such as emails from their coporate [sic] offices to the factory, invoices etc. ... we then get that ready to go to customs."

So the Green Folders are high-level security clearance folders that have documentation of shipments. Good to know.

Nace doesn't go overboard with all this. He keeps a sense of perspective. "Obviously, a claim like this is far from a smoking gun," he admits, even though at this point Rollup thinks it's fair to say everyone is still a bit unclear about what exactly is being claimed.

"[A]nd the sole compelling component of the rumor is the fact that I was able to verify the source's identity and position at her brokerage," Nace continues. This apparently means "I was able to discover she works at this company so that in itself makes the rumor compelling."

"Also, my ongoing discussions with her, and the ability to explain her job at the brokerage firm and the process by which companies like Apple ship documentation into and out of the country is viable," Nace adds. To say that either she or he has "explained" much at all strikes us a bit generous.