iPhone 5 rumor rollup for the week ending April 6


Rollup was recently part of a Neighborhood Gauche Watch, formed to forestall exactly this kind of product-shoving activity by Apple as the new iPad was released. The first couple of nights were grim: In one case we found three hoodlums in black turtlenecks, blue jeans and white cross-trainers trying to force a new iPad down the throat of a grandmother with Alzheimer's disease. Their defense? "We didn't know she had Alzheimer's!" In another case, a pair of similarly garbed men were stalking a 14-year-old boy. They left when five of us emerged from a black SUV wearing "Gauche you, Apple!" T-shirts.

Keggans tries to put his concern into context. "Notwithstanding the dictionary definition of 'greedy', of course there is no business model formula I'm aware of that reads if A+B>X = greedy," Keggans writes. . "Nor I am not coming at this from an anti-capitalist standpoint; I realize it is the engine that has driven the American economy these many years, and it is a company's responsibility to maximize profits for it's [sic] investors."

But. Or however.

"However, launching a new premium smart phone model every year - or less - whether we need it or not (I'm looking at you, iPhone 4s) seems a bit, well, gauche," he says.

Exactly. What's Apple trying to do? We expect Honda and Ford and BMW to come up with a 2011 model and then a 2012 model but those are cars for crying out loud. Or flat panel TV sets. Or cross-trainers. Or wine.