iPhone 5 rumor rollup for the week ending April 6

The iOSsphere is nothing if not democratic. It accepts unfounded speculation, comments, convictions and assertions from the lowest of the low and the highest of the high.

This week some guy who recruits workers for a Chinese assembly plant reveals the release date of 5 and sends the iOSsphere into paroxysms of bliss. A big screen is a certainty if you're certain. stands revealed as unseemly, gauche and oh yes greedy, though we consumers may be helping with that. And at the end of the rainbow, is an OLED touchscreen.

You read it here second.


"Next Generation iPhone June Debut Plausible, But October Still The Likeliest Bet."     -- headline for Charles Moore's post at the iPhone 5 News Blog, showing how iOSsphere rumoring has the same guiding principle as Las Vegas
