How to Get Started With Infographics


Publicize Your Infographic

Your infographic is more likely to be popular if you advertise that it's there. Even if you didn't use to create your infographic, you can upload your infographic to its database for others to see. Flickr is also a great resource for putting your infographic in front of people like bloggers who are searching for cool visuals. You'll want to push it out to all the conventional social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and StumbleUpon.

Many companies with an eye to will promote it in a press release. A 2011 study by PR Newswire showed that press releases that incorporate any form of multimedia, including videos, are much more likely to be viewed than a text-only release. PR Newswire also for concocting a media-friendly infographic.

Avoid the Infographic Pitfalls

There are many critics of the infographic medium, but website page view statistics don't lie. Infographics are far more visually interesting than a standard blog post, no matter how many are out there. Infographics get a bad reputation when businesses cheap out on graphic design or provide poor quality information.