Chief differentiator


The internal customers Salmen's teams work with are staff involved in the product, marketing and customer experience areas. "We have built the platforms and tools and systems our customer experience systems use to support."

"Almost every product that we have launched is built in some way shape or form by my teams internally," he says. "Whether it is a new broadband service or UFB fibre to the home or whether it is a hosting product."

He says the technology work is rarely outsourced. "Most of what we do, we do in-house." There are two main reasons for this. 

"One is that we are still quite small and sometimes particularly in the telco space finding an outsourcing partner who is actually capable and willing to scale down can be a big challenge, at least in the core technology space. I think that is sometimes the issue."

"We find keeping things in-house is a competitive advantage for us," he adds. "It has given us a lot more control over our destiny."