Bergstrand crafts 'vintage' posters for Soho Beach House


JB: "Much of what's in there was visible in the brief. This poster was always meant to focus on arrival and the beautiful building. I did some rearranging though and introduced a simpler and in my mind stronger graphic hierarchy.

"The brief outlined a street scene and the lady was supposed to step out of a car and head for the entrance. In the brief she was not a main ingredient, at least not in terms of size. The sketched layout presented me with several crucial problems to deal with and I knew early on that I would have to suggest simplifications.

"The first problem, an odd one, was that the view of the house that I was supposed to portray, the one seen on the poster, didn't correspond to the actual location of the main entrance and I felt uneasy about creating 'false architecture. How could I stay true to the idea of arrival and not produce something that doesn't exist on site? The other problems had more to do with the usual stuff -- sorting out the perspective and the hierarchy between different elements in the layout.

"The more I tried to show of the street the smaller the house, the car and the woman became. Getting it all in resulted in really poor, very scattered composition sketches. The key to all good posters is a clearly visible graphic structure. A few elements must be allowed to take charge and dominate the format. A poster design that's too democratic collapses and I felt that was what I was facing."At the same time I thought the poster needed a stronger human presence than what was the case in the brief. I thought that would add warmth to the scene. The bold art deco building standing virtually alone would look a little cold in my mind. So I decided to move in close on the woman, making her the star of the composition and that stabilized the design.

"The new size of the woman effectively removed the problem of creating a false entrance as she obscures that part of the building. This scene is actually possible in real life on site. She'd be by the pool then. And that works well with the second poster...