9 Reasons to Switch from Facebook to Google+


Facebook is notorious for its of personal data. You are forced to make certain parts of your personal data "public" for example, and It is very hard to permanently delete your Facebook profile. Google, on the other hand, makes it possible for you to pick up all the data you've banked at Google+ and walk away. This is done through a Google+ tool called "Data Liberation." With just a few clicks you can download data from your Picasa Web Albums, Google profile, Google+ stream, Buzz and contacts.

When viewing photos in Google+ you can "tag" the people in them similar to the way you do in Facebook. You draw a little square around a person's face, then type in their name in the box below it (or choose one of the names Google+ guesses). But there's a big difference in the way Google handles the privacy aspect of photo tagging. When you tag someone, you see this note: "Adding this tag will notify the person you have tagged. They will be able to view the photo and the related album." , on the other hand, does not make an effort to warn people the they've been tagged (possibly in an unflattering or compromising photo) and give them an immediate chance to remove the tag.

Also, Google has wisely decided to shy away from using software, which Facebook now uses to automatically identify people in photos uploaded to user albums.