Windows 8 Presents a Cure for Bloatware


Devices will also be able to add more functionality to built-in Windows 8 features. For instance, a Webcam can introduce additional photography settings to the native Windows 8 camera app.

Users who don't want these apps can delete them, just as they would with any other Metro app. A link to re-download the software from the Windows 8 app store will appear in the control panel. If the user isn't connected to the Internet when the hardware is plugged in, Windows 8 will remember to download the software once the PC is online.

Of course, there's no guarantee that device makers will follow Microsoft's suggestions. They're still free to bundle software on a disc and install it to the desktop side of Windows 8. But going through Microsoft and the app store will be the only way for device makers to include Metro-style apps with their hardware. If Metro is the future of Windows, hopefully device makers will want to get on board.

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