Windows 8, iOS, and the future


Apple's product philosophy up to this point has been that touch interfaces and traditional PC interfaces do not intermingle--that nobody wants to spend time with their arms out, touching their PC screen, nor do they want to plug in a mouse to an iPad.

But at the same time, , an operating system that brings numerous features of iOS "back to the Mac." Apple is, at the very least, trying to create as much alignment between its two operating systems (which are related, remember) as possible.

Would Apple consider truly merging OS X and iOS into a single operating system, like Windows 8? Right now, I can't see it. Though OS X and iOS have a lot in common--and more all the time--they run on hardware that's built for difference purposes. Software can adapt, but hardware really can't. A tablet is not a laptop, and Apple's not the kind of company to design a tablet with an optional snap-in accessory that sort of turns it into a laptop with a keyboard and a mouse.

As I see it, ultimately how we use these computing devices of ours will depend entirely on context. A tiny device in your pocket needs to behave differently than a 10-inch tablet in your hands or a 20-inch display with a keyboard and mouse at a workstation.