Wikipedia to Scientologists: Edit this, suckers


I also understand that in the Great Wiki-wakening, the almighty and surpreme Jimmy Walu will ride down from heaven in a carriage pulled by a team of perky supermodels to smite the sockpuppets, soapboxers, trolls, griefers, vandals, etc., and bestow a righteous and true edit upon the heads of the chosen. Then again, I think I read that on Wikipedia, so Lord knows if it's true.

Of course, if you don't like Wikipedia, there are a few dozen other encyclopedias catering to whatever belief systems you prefer. There's the for people who believe in conservative Christianity, the for people who believe that expertise is spelled "Ph.D.," the for people who believe the Earth is just 6,000 years young, and the for people who don't believe in encyclopedias.

Your own personal truth, served up just the way you like it. Isn't that why Al Gore invented the Internet in the first place?
