Wikipedia to Scientologists: Edit this, suckers


The reason? Oh, the usual -- a massive organized effort to make the CoS look good and/or counter the relentless public criticism that has shadowed the organization since the earliest days of the Net.

(What? You mean people are editing Wikipedia entries for their own nefarious ends? I am shocked, simply shocked. Wait a second while I spruce up my own entry with an account of that wild weekend last fall with Lindsay Lohan and the Cirque du Soleil acrobats. OK, I'm done now.)

To be fair, the whacky WAC also takes issue with the critics of Scientology, who've been having their own way with various entries. So far, though, they haven't banned 4chan or "Anonymous," though I bet they would if they could just figure out how.

Wikipedia has certainly banned individuals before, and once apparently ). In terms of targeting abusers by their IP address, its accuracy is probably only slightly better than the RIAA's. But this is the first time Wikipedia decided to permanently oust an entire organization, and I suspect it won't be the last.

Wal-Mart, Exxon, Diebold, several U.S. Congressfolks, the Department of Justice, and the CIA have , juicing their own entries. Sure, sometimes it's to correct inaccuracies, but most of the time it's to make themselves look better. Naughty, naughty, you soulless government and corporate entities. No more cookies for you.