Why Your Business Should Run Facebook's Social Ads


Where Does This Fit in my Marketing Plan?

If your marketing plan includes building brand recognition on Facebook, Sponsored Stories are the way to go. These new ads are particularly effective if you want to micro-target customers by zip code, city, or state with a particular promotion.

If you have a small, local business that doesn't really care so much about where you end up in search engine results but want to connect with real-life customers, Facebook ads may actually make more sense than a Google AdSense campaign. If your budget is small enough that it is a choice between the two, try one for a month and then the other for the next month to see how well you do. The results may be surprising.

If you sell online only, targeting by interest with the double shot of Facebook Ads and Sponsored Stories can only help your brand, but you'll obviously want to keep your current search engine going to stay strong in online searches. Remember that Facebook advertising , while traditional PPC search engine campaigns are more about sales.

Angela West dreams of opening a Fallout-themed pub featuring wait staff with Pip-Boys. She's written for big insurance companies, small wildlife control businesses, gourmet food chains, and more. Follow her on Twitter at .