Video Chatting for Newbies


Now that you're a video-chat connoisseur, you can take it on the road. How can you video chat while you're mobile--say, on a cell phone? Plenty of services will let you let you do just that; Tango, for one, allows you to video chat with users on other platforms. One thing you may want to have, however, is a phone with a front-facing camera--although you can video chat using a phone's back-facing camera, it's a bit inconvenient.

Here are two video-chat services that you can use on your phone.


If you own an iPhone 4, an , or an , you can use Apple's built-in video-chat service, .

Using FaceTime is simple: Find the person you want to video chat with in your contacts list, and tap the FaceTime button. Or, if you're on a call with someone, tap the FaceTime button on the call screen. FaceTime by default utilizes your device's front-facing camera, but you can also tap the switch button to use the back camera.