User tricks, security treats


Idle owner

His trick

When the king of the roost doesn't have enough operational responsibility, his functional understanding of technology accompanied by an assumption of anonymity can develop into a penchant for mischief, porn and control issues that fall just short of true megalomania. Sooner or later, the idle owner eventually does something really stupid -- storing very personal videos on company servers, downloading bootlegs of competitor's products, sending threatening e-mails to his ex, or downloading media you'd rather forward to law enforcement.

Your treat

Strike up a conversation about how it's great that your ISP logs all network traffic to adjust the quality of service, and alert you to employee misbehavior. Marvel over how the ISP itself is notified by the FBI's mysterious Carnivore system, and how it seems to be effective at tracking nefarious e-mail and downloads to specific computers even through networks using NAT. Discreetly throttle network bandwidth to accounting or production when he's on a downloading jag, and suggest that your audit team might have to look into it. If the activities might reflect back on you, quietly move his office to a separate DSL line for his pernicious personal proclivities.