Today Is Geek Pride Day! Four Reasons to Feel Cheerful About Tech


On a closely related theme, it's becoming more and more clear every week that the tech world and beyond are thanks to trends such as , crowdsourcing, and what's sometimes called "." The old ways of doing things behind closed doors are disappearing fast, and consumers are increasingly demanding openness, accountability, and a chance to participate. That can only be a good thing for everyone.

3. Tiny, Cheap PCs

Hear that sound in the distance? It's the sound of the barriers forming the Digital Divide coming crashing down, thanks to the that are flooding fast and furious onto the playing field. Think you need to shell out big bucks to be part of the latest computing generation? Think again. Diminutive and wildly inexpensive devices such as the are opening up a whole new world of possibilities for both the haves and the (formerly) have-nots. As countless new participants come on board, the results are going to be exciting.

4. Choice Is Increasing

Just as there are more and more choices on the hardware side, so too are there an ever-expanding array of options on the software end. Take even just a quick glance through PCWorld's and you'll quickly see Linux is moving beyond its longtime dominance on servers and more recent dominance on smartphones to play a leading role on the desktop as well. Distributions like and are now helping to shape the , in fact, so there's more competition than ever for Windows 8, with all the it promises to impose. And it's a similar story in other areas as well thanks to increasingly excellent contenders like , , and more. Can more choice ever be bad? I don't think so--especially when it brings more freedom and lower costs.