There's trivia and then there's Apple trivia


Manning: "So you add a couple of minutes?"

Forstall: "Yeah! And for the iPhone, we made it 42 minutes. It turned out we were pretty accurate with that estimate, so for the iPad, we made it 41 minutes. And there you are -- the secret of the magic time."

What a relief.

Now, it should be noted that others had speculated as far back as 2007 that the time in the photos was somehow related to the time of the initial iPhone announcement. However, this was the first I had heard of Apple looking to synch that time on the pictures with the time on the watches of audience members … and that the practice has been extended to the iPad.

Thanks for asking, Jon, and thanks for answering, Scott. (However, I must admit that it's not at all clear to me why it should matter that the time on the keynote photos should match the time on the watches … I mean other than to demonstrate that Apple leaves no stone unturned when it comes to attention to detail).