The Week in iPad Cases: Fortune and glory


The (iPad, iPad 2, and iPad 3; $35) is a sleeve made with high-density foam and a series of crater holes that help to reduce the case's bulk without compromising its structural integrity or ability to protect your hardware. Designed for people on the go, it's available in red, black, or black with a green accent.

The (iPad, iPad 2, and iPad 3; $179) is a bag that would make one Dr. Jones happy. Made of distressed leather with a subtle color line and matte-black or shiny-nickel hardware, the Indy offers soft-suede-lined pockets for your iPad, your iPhone, and a wallet. The bag is available in black or brown, with black, copper, flame, green, pearl, or pine accents. Whip, quirky-but-evil nemesis, and supernatural archaeological backstory not included.