The Time is Ripe for Green IT


"Our data center is separated into cold aisles and hot aisles," he points out. "Air conditioning enters through the cold and into the front of the servers, which is dissipated at the back, where the heat is contained."

This eliminates the need to turn the air-conditioning on for the whole room, and subsequently cooling only certain segments that need air-conditioning.

Salud admits that the company ventured into being the first green facility in the country mainly due to competition. "We want to have a competitive edge," he discloses. To date, most of the clients from Eastern's old data center have chosen, or are currently planning, to migrate to their Tier II green data center, mainly due to the huge cost savings afforded by the facility.

Green Culture

Increasingly, according to a survey by, more and more CIOs are prioritizing green initiatives in their IT project plans. At least 68% of those surveyed said they already have, or are currently planning to, address the sustainability issue.