The Macalope Weekly: Natural-born category fillers


Aside from the questionable marketing choice of naming your phone after , the Nexus One is nothing that's going to reshape the smartphone market on its own.

Frankly, Google, the Macalope is quite put out that you've put him in the uncomfortable position of being forced to agree with :

Robbie Bach, the President of [Microsoft]'s entertainment and devices division, said that so long as Google makes its own handsets, such as the new Nexus One, other phone manufacturers would hesitate to work with the Android mobile software platform because they would fear that they would never be a top priority for the search company.

At the same time, what else are they going to do? Make Windows Mobile devices? Ha-ha!

Don't get the Macalope wrong. The Nexus One seems like a nice enough phone, but it's nothing revolutionary (it's got a trackball, for God's sake). Everyone is still operating inside the same box that Apple defined three years ago. Wake the Macalope when someone figures out how to do the same thing for a fraction of the price or invents a new box.