The Macalope Weekly: Living in denial

It's a terrible thing to live in denial. If the Winotaur had an ounce of self-awareness he could tell you. Google's also living in denial if it thinks we're putting its dorky glasses on to watch their ads. And get ready for this week's magical after-school special ending, because some of you Mac users are in denial, too.

The reviews of the Windows Phone-based Nokia Lumia 900 are out and "needs more work" isn't really what Microsoft wanted to hear at this point. It's time for another chat with the Macalope's Redmond counterpart, the Winotaur.

: Dude, you have to help a mythical beast out here.

: What are you talking about?

: The Lumia 900. All of your Windows phones. You gotta do better than this.