The Macalope Weekly: Always with the negative waves

This week there were so many Apple contrarians oozing out of the woodwork that it was almost contrarian to say Apple would continue to succeed. Which makes sense when you consider that the company just posted results from another monster quarter, right?

Because it’s been hurled at Apple fans so much, the Macalope usually eschews the term “cult.” He wouldn’t use it to refer to Windows users, or Android users, or even Linux users. But how else to describe the people who continually predict Apple’s demise? It’s hard to believe, but these people are still out there and, like members of any cult, no facts or figures or electric shock therapy will cure them of their wacky beliefs.

Most of the wide-eyed stares of disbelief focused on , but it was Rocco Pendola who got the ball o’ doom rolling this week writing for TheStreet, which graciously hosts so many of these missives, possibly as part of a government make-work program for crazy people.

(tip o’ the antlers to stinmass)

I wrote something as a bit of an aside in a recent TheStreet article about and Pandora…