The Cloud, Day 30: Forecast--Increasingly Cloudy


The beauty of the cloud is that the 16GB on my iPhone or iPad are virtually irrelevant because the things I would normally store—music, pictures, documents, etc.—are all available from the cloud as long as I have an Internet connection.

My biggest complaint about relying on cloud-based tools is that I don’t want to be in a position where my PC is nothing more than a high-tech, glorified paper weight just because I can’t get an Internet connection. I want to be able to be productive and work on my computer at all times.

I realize I always run the risk of some sort of PC crash could grind my productivity to a halt as well. And, in those instances I am very thankful the cloud exists because the tools and services I do use in the cloud can enable me to simply jump on the first available Web-enabled device and get back to work rather than sitting idle while I rebuild or restore my PC.

As far as my experience goes, I think there was than to dislike. I , but none of them are really deal-breakers, and I’m confident that cloud software and services will continue to evolve and improve to address at least some of those issues.

Honestly, "the cloud" is really just an over-hyped marketing buzzword. It's the Internet. The reality is that I rely on the Internet / Web for the vast majority of what I use a PC or mobile device for at any given time, so it's hard to ignore the value of "the cloud".