The 6 Best New iOS 6 Features for Business Users


Also coming to Maps: real-time traffic updates, meaning you'll be able to spot trouble areas and possibly even find out what's causing the hold-up (construction? an accident? a cop on the side of the road?).

What's especially interesting is that Maps will share (anonymously, of course) real-time traffic data from your phone (and everyone else's), meaning we may finally see a crowdsourced traffic system that works. Whether it actually helps is another story.

3. New phone features

Since the dawn of iPhone time, you've had exactly two options for fielding a phone call: Decline and Answer. In iOS 6, you'll also see these buttons: Reply with Message and Remind Me Later.

The former lets you kick back a canned text message (e.g., "Call you later"), while the latter will set a reminder for a callback.