Storm vs. iPhone 3G: 8 Reasons to Pick the Storm


If rapid typing is a must, you might want to consider a device with a full QWERTY, physical keyboard. But if your mind is set on a touch screen smartphone, choose the Storm.

2) Copy and Paste

Perhaps the most notable feature lacking in the current iPhone 3G is a copy and paste function. Copy and paste might not seem like such a big deal on a mobile device, but just try transferring a URL from a Web page to an email message without it, and you'll soon see why such a simple function can be so important.

BlackBerry text by simply pressing a finger down at the beginning of a selection and then another finger at the end to highlight the text. And after you make a selection, the BlackBerry Menu key shows options to copy the text and paste it at a later time.

Smartphone users who frequently share links with friends and colleagues might want to pick the Storm over the iPhone because of its ability to copy and paste text.