South African city prepares for broadband


She states that, using this configuration, data is transmitted at 200Mbps, which is as fast -- or faster -- than high speed broadband, while the VOIP transmission is as good as any landline telephone.

In addition, the advantages of using PLC technology are that the cabling is already in place, and that it is more secure than a wireless system.

Although most of the pilot phase of this project is complete, the entire pilot will only be finalized by the end of this month. Subban says that the municipality plans the first official roll-out at the end of the year. However, this will initially be for businesses, which is not only practical, but also financially advisable.

In order to implement the roll-out, Subban says that an operating company needs to be established, and there is a need for infrastructure. There are still many legal, business and practical issues that need to be resolved before the proper roll-out can take place.

However, she explains that the infrastructure is already in place, as the city has, over the past four years, rolled out fiber to connect municipal sites throughout the metro area. 'This has created a city-wide network of fiber. Currently a wireless WAN is being implemented. This extensive municipal can now be made available for public use, under certain conditions. All of this together allows for data and voice broadband communication.'