Rush Limbaugh, Siri, and the wrath of the technocrati


On his third attempt, his spoken words are sent off, but what then appears on his iPhone screen - the "translation" of his speech into text - is "Obama's minions are taking over and there's nothing you can do about it," he recounts. "And I hadn't said anything like that!"

He notices that the "audio on the radio did not un-mute. The audio on the radio never came back." He switches the radio from satellite to standard AM and finds the radio is working fine. "I thought, 'Man, something's really not right,'" he says.

Using Siri, he repeats the reply to his wife. "What came back to me the second time was totally unrelated to anything I had said. It was talking about wind power and Obama and, 'You don't have a chance.'" It's at this point, that he suspects that Apple's backend system may have been hacked. "And I said to myself, 'You know, somebody's hacked Apple's servers. I'm gonna get in there [to the office].' I said, 'I can't wait to get to work and fire up some of these Apple blogs because I'll bet you this has been going on all morning and I'll betcha it's a big story that Apple's servers have been hacked.'"

He tries yet again to reply to his wife. "The third thing [transcription] which came back had nothing to do with politics," he says. But it also had nothing to do with his spoken reply.

He finally reaches the office, and connects his iPhone to the internal Wi-Fi network, and starts dictating: "it's flawless. It's perfect. It was only in my car that this happened."