RIM Should Attack Apple, and Partner in the Enterprise


The iPhone is far from the perfect phone. And much like Apple did in its anti-Microsoft " " campaign, RIM needs to get customers to become dissatisfied with their iPhones. There are a number of promising attack vectors I'm seeing. By channeling Apple's assault on the PC brand or the tactics politicians employ in their campaigns and coming out swinging at the iPhone's shortcomings, RIM could position the Blackberry successfully against Apple.

The lesson here is that if people want to be successful, they must start by defining their problems and goals -- they don't start by articulating the strategy they would most like to execute. You need to match the strategy with the problem and goal and then have the heart to do whatever--and I do mean whatever--it takes to execute it. The landscape is littered with dead companies that didn't have the direction, will or guts to get the job done. The direction RIM needs to take couldn't be clearer, the partners better defined, and the resources necessary to win more pronounced.

in CIO's Mobile/Wireless Drilldown.