Remove a Program That Lacks an Uninstaller


3) Find the path to the program folder. If there's a shortcut to the program on your Start menu or the desktop, right-click that shortcut and select Properties. The path is everything in the Target field except the file name. For instance, if the Target field says C:\Program Files\Bricked Software\ErodeCode.exe, the path is C:\Program Files\Bricked Software.

The path is also likely the entire contents of the "Start in" field.

If you don't find a shortcut, go to C:\Program Files and look for the appropriate folder. Check C:\Program Files (x86), as well, if your PC has that folder.

4) Delete the program folder. In Windows Explorer, go to the path you've just identified, then go up one level. For instance, if the path is C:\Program Files\Bricked Software, you want C:\Program Files. Select the unwanted program's folder, press the Delete key, and confirm the change.

5) Clean the Registry. You'll want to remove all references to the program from the Registry. The free will likley do the job. If you don't already have it installed, you may want to use , which doesn't require installation.