Remains of the Day: Tearing up for teardowns

I think we all remember that pivotal day when Ronald Reagan uttered those famous words: “iFixit…” Don’t worry, they obliged. Elsewhere, the Verizon iPhone 4 has an unfortunate resemblance to its AT&T sibling, but Verizon says sales are still good! And Apple buys some music streaming insurance. Fortunately, the remainders for Friday, February 25, 2011 are protected against fire, flood, hurricanes, and alien invasion.


Those fine gentlemen at iFixit have already taken apart one of Apple’s and found a few interesting tidbits. For example, the Thunderbolt controller is the fourth largest chip in the MacBook Pro. And it’s powered by . Personally, I just hope that iFixit never decides it wants to know what makes tick. *

(Consumer Reports)

We know it’s what’s inside that counts, but Consumer Reports still seems fixated on exteriors—specifically, the exterior antenna on the iPhone 4. Having now tested the Verizon model, CR has deemed it has as the AT&T version. As a result, the publication says it cannot recommend the phone, even though it offers “great multimedia functionality, a sharp screen, and the best MP3 player we’ve seen on a phone.” You know, this sounds a lot like the iPhone 4 review I got .
