Remains of the Day: Screwed up


Looking for the best Mac apps to show off your MacBook Pro's fancy new Retina display? Here's the site for you: It features apps optimized for the new high-definition screen. Just keep in mind that your Retina display is probably not drool-proof.

(Technology Review)

Good news for the security conscious: Brute force hacking the iPhone is apparently nigh impossible, even for law enforcement personnel. You just might want to avoid making your PIN 1-2-3-4.


A Sweden-based production firm decided to test the old adage about a lie going halfway around the world before the truth has time to get its pants on. The company created a fake screw, which it claimed Apple would be using to lock down the next iPhone. Sure enough, much of the Internet seized upon the story as totally true. Really, I just wanted the story to make it all the way back to Apple's hardware design team and have them subsequently decide that it sounds like a great idea.