Remains of the Day: Ride Lonesome


The Who frontman called iTunes a "digital vampire" during a lecture earlier this week, because it doesn't provide artists with the same services that a record label or publisher might. "This is totally just like that part in ," Townshend reputedly continued, "where Edward refuses to back Bella's plan to become a spunky indie rock singer."


Tech writer MG Siegler says a Gmail iPhone app is on its way and may, hope against hope, actually be good. I guess we know one thing: It'll definitely be ad-supported.

(Ars Technica)

Since Siri and iOS 5's dictation feature both require sending audio files over a network connection, Ars Technica crunched the numbers to see what kind of dent it will make in your data plan. We won't give away the twist ending--you'll have to read for yourself--but now we can move on to more important concerns, like: Is Siri taking funny pictures of you while you sleep and uploading them onto the Internet? Film at 11!